Alur Customary Marriage in Light of the Catholic Sacrament of Marriage

Constantine Rupiny, Alur Customary Marriage in Light of the Catholic Sacrament of Marriage, Pelplin: Wydawnictwo Bernardinum 2022.

Constantine Rupiny is a priest of Nebbi Catholic Diocese. He has a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He also has a Licentiate in Philosophy from the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome. He has been a lecturer of some branches of philosophy at Uganda Martyrs’ National Major Seminary, Alokolum – Gulu in Uganda.

Marriage is an important institution, which usually concerns all human beings regardless of their religious, cultural or philosophical affiliations. This book presents the Catholic doctrine of marriage sacrament, as is rooted in the Sacred Scripture and is developed in the history of the Church, for a faithful evangelisation of the Alur people by entering into a dialogue with their culture so that Catholic marriage does not appear foreign to them in both its doctrinal and praxeological dimensions. The book concerns especially the Alur Catholics of Nebbi Catholic Diocese. Tenets of both the Catholic doctrine of marriage sacrament and the Alur customary marriage have been described, examined and compared in view of the possibility of a canonical incorporation of some of the valuable elements of Alur customary marriage into Catholic marriage doctrine, preparation and celebration.

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