Translations of Biblical Texts into the Gidar Language (Northern Cameroon)

Jarosław Różański, Translations of Biblical Texts into the Gidar Language (Northern Cameroon), w: Waldemar Cisło, Jarosław Różański, Maciej Ząbek (eds.), Collectanea Sudanica, vol. 2, Pelplin: Bernardinum, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 2020., s. 67-86.

The article presents the history of translations of biblical texts in the Guidar language (North of Cameroon). It first presents the culture and language of Gidar, the history of evangelization and the writing of the first texts in this language. This was the work of the Oblate missionaries from France and Poland. The new translation of the Mass readings for Sundays and feast days began in 1993 and resulted in the publication of the Guidar translation of the New Testament in Poland in 2008 (Əmanman Meleketeni. Nouveau Testament, guidar. Traduction, rédaction et révision linguistique: Loucien Bouba, Théophile Doulaneni, Władysław Kozioł, Jean Maingle, Maurice Oumarou, Jarosław Różański, Krzysztof Zielenda, Pelplin: Bernardinum 2008, pp. 414). It was a supplement and a correction to the existing translations of the New Testament fragments contained in the editions of the three lectionaries for Sundays and feast days of the liturgical years „A”, „B”, and „C”. In the last part, the article focuses on the difficulties linked to cultural and linguistic differences in translation.

Keywords:Gidar,Northern Cameroon, Kirdi, Church in Cameroon, the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, translations of the Bible in Africa

Open access: *** (PDF) Translations of Biblical Texts into the Gidar Language (Northern Cameroon) | Jarosław Stanisław Różański –

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